broken twill sample
broken twill sample

cut paper, 2017

these paper collage samples are based on weaving drafts of medieval fabric structures.

lozenge twill sample
lozenge twill sample

cut paper, 2017

diamond twill sample
diamond twill sample

cut paper, 2017

kruzkoper sample
kruzkoper sample

cut paper, 2017

warp float patterned tabby sample
warp float patterned tabby sample

cut paper, 2017

broken twill sample
lozenge twill sample
diamond twill sample
kruzkoper sample
warp float patterned tabby sample
broken twill sample

cut paper, 2017

these paper collage samples are based on weaving drafts of medieval fabric structures.

lozenge twill sample

cut paper, 2017

diamond twill sample

cut paper, 2017

kruzkoper sample

cut paper, 2017

warp float patterned tabby sample

cut paper, 2017

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